Entrance Examination:Preperations in India.
Basically Indian entrance industry(medical and engineering) has two type of learners.Pupils who prepares along with their higher secondary schooling.And pupils who sit one or two years devoted to entrance preperations after their first attempt flaw,honestly speaking I was one of that kind. Every students finds the truth that its a brain game on the eve of the exam while many feels its a luck play.Former or latter,its true that coaching centers play a vital role in shaping ones brain muscles into appropriate entrance exams.(some times as parents wish) Many parents are of opinion that there is business behind entrance 'industry' (true or false?)anyway without coaching centers pupils hardly makes into their dream schools(sometimes money matters,right?)coaching centers provide apt study materials and tips to successfully overcome the entrance stress,yet they cant promise what we dream for and that's why if you join in any coaching centers they might had stressed you th...