
Showing posts from March, 2016

A smile from heart.

No relegion will discourage charity and the money spent for people in need is always noble in sight of any religious scriptures. We could see numerous people in short of basic needs like clothing, shelter, even some one to care them in their old age. What can we do by just feeling pity to them, we always count our shortcomings, how would it be if we are into providing the help for the needy, it would be more beautiful and promising than ruminating on our own unreasonable thoughts of helplessnes. Whatever we might have, spent for the needy, if we don't have anything to spent just a smiling face will do the difference for the people who are in need of love and care. Prophet Muhammed told "even a smiling face that you show to other people is like you spent in charity". It brings people's mind together and the thought of helplessnes is vanished by the soothing power of smile that arise from our hearts. #let's help #let's smile from heart.


Nadira has something to tell you.a story tore from her Memmories. On the eve of Nadira's uncle and aunt's tenth wedding anniversary, her sweet aunt updated her status on Facebook, it compliments her sweetest uncle. "Since the day of our wedding, he has been my father, savior, caretaker,best friend and lover, I wish I shall live to eternity, to be aside of him always. " The like counts hike to its peaks within minutes, and Nadira was in search of words to comment on this post but she ends up with a like. Excited, Nadira tells this to her mom who don't even know to use a computer or internet. She tells the content of the post. Nadira's excitement toppled to dust, when she saw her mom was smiling and her eye nooks were clouded with tears. Silence dominated the air between them. She remembered she had read somewhere. " Silence knows what does it meant. Like a cloud knows why it is turning dark and heavy. " Her father went abroad when she was just a...

Tortoise vs Rabbit! Actually who wins?

Have you thought at any point of your life, the story of rabbit and tortoise has any real life implications? More than a story that conveys the message "hardship and perseverance lead to success", what will it convey if the rabbit wins the race? , if the rabbit didn't thought to relax for a while, what if the rabbit thought to relax after the finishing point? All these insane doubts came to me when I came across the concept of slow and fast paced learners, especially in psychology texts. Slow paced learners are the ones who take a long time to grasp a concept or new skill. Usually slow paced learners find it difficult to learn a huge amount of information within a short span of time. While the fast paced learners are the ones who are capable of learning a huge amount of information within a short span of time. They are blessed with higher fluid intelligence and short term memory. The slow paced learners also finds difficulties in memory retention which shows a lower f...

Atleast he is young in our hearts...

A couple of days back I witnessed one of the strange incidence in my life. An elderly man in his sixties riding a scooter and helping the students reach the school exit door. Once you get inside cochin university you have to walk a lot to reach cusat exit door, and that is quiet difficult in hot climate, below the scorching sun.I don't know his name, I was walking to exit door during a weekend. He stopped the the blue Honda activa scooter, and asked me wether I was to exit door side, he offered a lift and dropped me at exit door from where I could easily catch a bus. When I told a "thanks", "don't mention", with a heartly smile was his reply. It was first time, probably the first time that I could recall, helped by a stranger. He didn't knew me, I didn't knew him. Yet he helped me like a grant father. The incident left a question "why me?! ", May be I was over preoccuppied myself. But it got resolved when I heard, one of my best friend wa...