Tortoise vs Rabbit! Actually who wins?
Have you thought at any point of your life, the story of rabbit and tortoise has any real life implications? More than a story that conveys the message "hardship and perseverance lead to success", what will it convey if the rabbit wins the race? , if the rabbit didn't thought to relax for a while, what if the rabbit thought to relax after the finishing point?
All these insane doubts came to me when I came across the concept of slow and fast paced learners, especially in psychology texts.
Slow paced learners are the ones who take a long time to grasp a concept or new skill. Usually slow paced learners find it difficult to learn a huge amount of information within a short span of time.
While the fast paced learners are the ones who are capable of learning a huge amount of information within a short span of time. They are blessed with higher fluid intelligence and short term memory.
The slow paced learners also finds difficulties in memory retention which shows a lower fluid intelligence ratio compared to fast paced ones.
But psychology also argues slow paced learners are no less talented compared to fast paced ones only with the difference that a slow paced learner will have to slog with perseverance a long time than a fast paced one to achieve the same achievements of a fast paced one, like the tortoise in the story.
In my opinion, the more slow paced ones slogs, the more they gets the title of 'geek' in campuses. Actually the fast paced ones or the "rabbits " usually not slog, but just learns a few moments before the exams and that's enough for them. There is no wonder if we see rabbits winning the race when it comes to real life!
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