The Animal Thing

Most of us are fascinated about the daily political affairs. On this hectic life many of us manages to skim through the headings that makes a day for reporters. I have been never interested into politics so far. More than being a voter without proper political analysis or judgement, I always felt this politics thing is for middle aged or elder citizens of the society. they judge and comment, though not always true, at least they have a say on who should be elected to power in the next election.It's very interesting  to note that there are several books on politics and historic political revolutions that can bring into new horizons on political awareness but left untouched in libraries.

George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' is a political allegory that can explain politics in a lucid and sarcastic style without distorting the reality. It starts with the revolutions as led by animals against the exploitation by human beings on their God given natural wealth showing a similitude to the outrage and provocations that had lead to many revolutions in the history. 
Courtesy: Southern Pacific Review

Every revolutions has their share of power play by certain kind of people who later ensign themselves as the leader to all who are vulnerable to fake propaganda and are in thirst of freedom from ongoing strife and slavery. the rules are bound to change when power comes in hands of them leaving the uneducated into further loom and mental slavery to these leaders who claims the soul heroes of the revolution. leaders some times show sectarian bias and weaker sects are suppressed of their ability to comment on the political betrayal to the promises and eventually their elimination from the history as those who had worked hard to make the revolution a success. 

Usually "our leader is always right" notion has rooted every revolutions from its start and further history will show these leaders are praised and revered even for their stupidity and fake actions.
the commandments crafted before the revolution were as follows.


1. Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy
2. Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed
5. No animal shall drink alcohol
6. No animal shall kill any other animal
7. All animals are equal

Later, long after the revolution, the leaders gradually make deceptive changes to the amendments under a veil so as to gratify their needs, by accusing it on innocent beings those are already expelled out of their party. the changes comes in a way that none really realize it in a quick look. Like fifth amendment is changed into 'no animal shall drink alcohol in excess' . the extreme form of this trend in every political scenario is sarcastically shown by the change of last amendment form 'all animals are equal' to 'some animals are more equal than others'.

people who ensure themselves "I will work harder" does really make way to emergence of a nation of freedom, but are most often deceived by  the self declared leaders by manipulating their misfortunes into catastrophic denial of their existence and are sent to slaughter houses in promise of relieving their health issues. this gradual change from the true heart after revolution to an hypocritical world has been well portrait in the book which gives an outlook on the politics that make into news papers. Also giving an interest in politics because of its humorous nature despite its ability to make coveted contributions to the well being of citizens of a nation.


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