ETCHNEW 2016:from CUSAT campus.

Demonstrating setup for showing how a material could be made invisible
Light is a form of wonder to all ages. Writers had written a lot about it, poets had sung numerous poems about it, scientists had tirelessly worked to explore about it. From Plank to Einstein, the definitions about it had made a new area to search about, for generations of students to come.
Recently I had a chance to visit ETCHNEW 2016, THE OPTICS FAIR held in International School Of Photonics, CUSAT.there was an exhibition about how lasers can be applied to several technologies.Here I would share some items which amazed me in terms of its variety and technological innovation. 
Data Transfer Via light (not WI-FI But LI-FI)
Demonstrator had two laptops at a distance and an equipment on which a small LED bulb is mounted. When we type something on one laptop, we can see a simultaneous blinking of LED bulb and appearance of same letter on the other laptop which is assisted by a photo detector.
CLOAKING a material or making things invisible.
Had you ever wondered if people could become themselves invisible and walk on this Earth, as in Harry Potter Film? This is a promising demonstration that predicts such materials that make things invisible is to come on earth.
Demonstrator had an arrangement in which he will show how using some principles related to light (refraction),a bottle can be made invisible.
We are living in a world were smart phones take cares of all our duties.
Storing a library with thousands of books, paying bills, booking tickets.... this huge list goes on, this is yet another innovative concept in which smartphone camera is used as a microscope for research purpose, see smartphone is even displacing the microscopes in our science labs.


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